Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kim and I got up early this morning and walked to Second Cup for some quiet time.  It was probably the best quiet time I've had for quite a while.  Things just seemed to become so clear to me.  
I've been thinking a lot lately about social responsibility and what my role is as a Christian in our world.  It's been pretty cool thinking about possibilities and being a part of a church that's definitely moving forward in an active way toward what part we should be playing in the grand scheme of things.  I've also been thinking about my faith.  About what makes it real.  What the outworking of it should look like in everyday life.  
So, this morning I was reading Hosea 6 and thinking about how God felt about the Israelites and their feeble attempts at being good enough without God.  They were so far gone when it came to truly connecting with God because of their traditions and the distance that their self-made rules had put between them and God.  Then, as I was reflecting on Hosea 6:6 which says, "I want you to show love (or mercy), not offer sacrifices.  I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings."  I was thinking about how this all pertained to me.  Whether there were things in my life that put a rift between God and I.  I knew there were, but I wanted a clearer picture of what those things were.  Then this song came on my discman:

Instead of a Show
~Jon Foreman
I hate all your show and pretense
The hypocrisy of your praise
The hypocrisy of your festivals
I hate all your show

Away with your noisy worship
Away with your noisy hymns
I stop up my ears when you're singing them
I hate all your show

Instead let there be a flood of justice
An endless procession of righteous living, living
Instead let there be a flood of justice
Instead of a show

Your eyes are closed when you're praying
You sing right along with the band
You shine up your shoes for services, 
But there's blood on your hands.

You turned your back on the homeless
And the ones who don't fit in your plans
Quit playing religion games
There's blood on your hands

Ah!  Let's argue this out
If your sins are blood red
Let's argue this out
You'll be white as the clouds
Let's argue this out 
Quit fooling around!

Give love to the ones who can't love at all
Give hope to the ones who got no hope at all
Stand up for the ones who can't stand at all
Instead of a show, I hate all your show

It was the perfect thing for me to hear at that moment.  I've really been feeling challenged to be different than the world around me by responding in love to the people around me.  Even when those people are needy and often inconvenient.  There's another song by Jon Foreman that's been in my head for the past few days that totally sums up the attitude I often see in myself.  Maybe I'll post those lyrics separately so that this isn't so freaking long!  

Needless to say, my hope for processing time and new vision has definitely been realized!  I'm so thankful for this time away to be refreshed and clearly challenged!

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