Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, my interview was a million times better than I could have hoped! The board asked me a lot of really tough questions, but only so they could find out what my heart and vision was for my life and be able to support me in that. They were super-supportive about everything I shared with them and they really took the time to understand my motivation and purpose. They interviewed me for about an hour and then kicked me out for a while (after having some snacks) so they could talk about me. I got to have a lovely walk with Leesa through Hagersville which is a beautiful town. It was 25 C that day, so it was really amazing! Leesa and I had a really good visit. When we got back to the mission office, the board was ready to tell me their decision.

This was it: The board wanted to take me on as a part-time year-round Youth Ministries Worker in Thunder Bay. Focusing on camp for the summer and helping with that through the year and making connections with youth through discipleship and mentoring and also possibly camper reunions and things like that throughout the year.

They pretty much just left my position up to me to define in detail according to my vision.

I'm super-excited to be starting in on all of this and I'm really pumped to see where God takes it. I'm in the process of planning a Young Adults' Retreat for camp and that's been going really well too. I'm excited to see who shows up and how it goes!

Life is good! :)

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