Thursday, May 28, 2009


Mountainside. That's kinda where I'm at right now. I've been in a valley for a while which has been a little perturbing and discouraging, but I feel like breakthrough is in the process of happening. I'm really glad for breakthrough. It's been really hard to pray for the last while and there's been lots for me to pray through, so I've been pretty out-of-sorts. I had a really good pray time with Claire last night and it was a cool reminder for me of the blessing it is to live with these girls. I'm so thankful for all of the people that the Lord has blessed me with to challenge me and encourage me and need me. Life is good.

On another note, the young adults' retreat was super! It was a good time for people to relax and enjoy creation and each other. I'm really thankful for the way it all came together. Now it's on to new tasks. Today I start working on my prayer and support letter. Should be interesting since I've never done one before.

It's absolutely gorgeous outside today, so I'm going to emerge from the house and enjoy it. :)


Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's May 16th and I've just recently started hanging my laundry on the line outside to dry. Things were going very well until I woke up this morning to a raging wind/snow (kinda) storm. I think I'll take a different approach than most I've seen to talking about this weather. It's pretty cool. That I went to bed last night wishing that there were thunder and lightning to go along with the pouring rain and woke up several times in the night because the wind was so loud.
I just came in from taking my snowy laundry off of the clothesline and I feel like an icicle! However, I'll choose to view my iciness as a blessing. Here's why: My next move will be to jump in a nice, piping hot jacuzzi to get warm and then put on my coziest sweats and a warm blanket and snuggle up to finish the work I need to get done today. Feeling warm and cozy is one of my favourite things, but it wouldn't be as nice if my coziness weren't in direct contrast to how freezing cold I'd been before. So, I'm thankful for the raging wind and blowing snow. To the jacuzzi I go! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, my interview was a million times better than I could have hoped! The board asked me a lot of really tough questions, but only so they could find out what my heart and vision was for my life and be able to support me in that. They were super-supportive about everything I shared with them and they really took the time to understand my motivation and purpose. They interviewed me for about an hour and then kicked me out for a while (after having some snacks) so they could talk about me. I got to have a lovely walk with Leesa through Hagersville which is a beautiful town. It was 25 C that day, so it was really amazing! Leesa and I had a really good visit. When we got back to the mission office, the board was ready to tell me their decision.

This was it: The board wanted to take me on as a part-time year-round Youth Ministries Worker in Thunder Bay. Focusing on camp for the summer and helping with that through the year and making connections with youth through discipleship and mentoring and also possibly camper reunions and things like that throughout the year.

They pretty much just left my position up to me to define in detail according to my vision.

I'm super-excited to be starting in on all of this and I'm really pumped to see where God takes it. I'm in the process of planning a Young Adults' Retreat for camp and that's been going really well too. I'm excited to see who shows up and how it goes!

Life is good! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Long-overdue post about the remainder of conference.

So, I've been terribly delinquent about posting these last couple of weeks.
The conference started on Wednesday morning. Everyone came to Hyde Cottage where we were staying for the morning meetings. People started showing up around 9 and there was a pretty even mix of people I knew already and people I was meeting for the first time. We prayed for a while and sang some worship choruses with accordian accompaniment and then a couple of missionary couples would give their report on what had happened in their lives in the past year. It was really neat to be able to hear what each of the other missionaries were focused on and to learn how to pray for them. We also had a speaker speak to us each morning for a while and that was really encouraging too. After the morning meeting at the cottage, we would all get in our cars and drive 5 minutes away to a little town called Cheapside. (Such a great name for a town!) Each day we had lunch in the basement of the church there. This was also a really nice time to visit with the other missionaries and board members and start to connect with the people I'd be working with. After lunch each day, I got to have a free afternoon. That was pretty sweet! On the first day, I crashed on the couch until dinner time. I think I was just really exhausted from all of the socializing with new people in an unfamiliar place. In the evenings, we'd go back to Cheapside for dinner in the basement. It was really neat. There were a bunch of people who just spent every day of the conference getting meals ready for us. It was really nice not to have to think about where to eat. On Wednesday night there was a business meeting after dinner. I wasn't officially a missionary with RLM yet, so I just listened in and counted ballots. It was good to hear about what's going to be happening in the coming year. That night, Mark and Christy and I played another game of Scrabble where they both whipped my butt again.

Thursday was much the same as Wednesday up until dinner time. We had an early dinner and took some pictures (a lot of pictures!) and then headed into Hagersville (where the mission is based) for the annual public meeting. The public meeting is a lot like a church service where people come to hear what's been up with the missionaries for the past year. Each couple gave a short, 10 minute report about what they'd been up to for the past year and told people how they could pray. Mark and Christy usually do their report at the public meeting in some unconventional way. They do a skit or something along those lines and present their information in that way. This year they did something a little less crazy. They wrote and read the testimonies of 4 people who had been impacted by their work over the years. One of the testimonies was mine. So Mark started reading mine and then I came up and interrupted and told the rest of my story. It was really exciting to be able to share my story with a group of people who had been indirectly praying for me for my whole life. I talked about my life growing up at Round Lake and also in Faith Chapel (which was planted by RLM back in the day). It went really well and it gave people a chance to see my heart and where it comes from. After the meeting, everyone piled into the hall of the church and ate timbits and drank juice and visited. I got to meet a lot of really cool people who have been connected with RLM for years. Some for up to 75 years in different ways. A lot of people I met that night said things like, "Oh! You're Jen! We've been praying for you for the last few months!" It was so encouraging and eye-opening to hear that people I had never met had been praying for the Lord's hand in my life as I was making decisions. So cool! I also go to see Abby for a bit at the meeting! It was awesome just to be able to hug her! After all of the visiting, Mark and Christy and I headed over to the mission home (office) to visit for a while with Don and Deb (one of the missionary couples) and David and Leesa (the executive director and his wife). That was a nice relaxing time just sitting around unwinding after a very long day. We got back to the cottage around 11 and were all pretty beat, so we decided not to play Scrabble that night. Even though we had good intentions of getting to bed early, Christy and I got to talking and ended up staying up a lot later than we'd intended. It was totally worth it though.

On Friday morning, we had our last morning meeting. One more couple had to share and we sang and prayed and then talked over some businessy stuff for a while. After lunch that day, the conference was officially over.

Friday afternoon, Mark and Christy and I went to Port Dover on Lake Erie and wandered on the beach and sat on the pier and looked through the shops for a while. It was a really nice day. When we got back to the cottage, we ate some dinner and then took a stroll down the beach from the cottage. It was so beautiful! There was a great sunset and I found lots of really neat sea glass and shells for Julia and Michael. Jon (Mark and Christy's son) came from Huntsville that night and we all played a rousing game of...guess what...?! You got it! Scrabble!!! It was a pretty good time. We had some good laughs and my level of sucking was about even with Jon's so that was good! After Scrabble, I had to pack because Fred was coming to pick me up the next morning at 9:30. I brought way too much stuff with me and it was a real pain to get it all back in my suitcase, but I succeeded and got to bed.

On Saturday morning, I got up and got ready, grabbed and apple and hopped in Fred's van for the half hour drive to Hagersville. Fred is one of the board members and it was super-cool to chat with him on our way to my interview. Fred and his wife have been connected with the mission in one way or another for many years. They adopted 10 kids and have done a lot of amazing things. It was really great to be able to connect with him in that time!

I think I'll write about my interview in a separate post because this is getting pretty stinking long!