Sunday, April 5, 2009


So, I just talked to "Daddy" on the phone. "Daddy" is what I call my biological father. It makes it easier to differentiate between him and my stepdad. It's always good to talk to him...on some level. I miss him when I don't talk to him, so it's good to talk to him. Our conversations always seem to be a little strained. It's almost like when he picks up the phone and realizes it's me, he feels slightly awkward because he wasn't the one to call or because it's been a whole month since we've touched base. Either way, it seems like this totally mechanical telling of news followed by random additions or anecdotes about the news and then some weird pauses before he says something like, "well...we're in the middle of a movie, can I call you in a couple of days...?" To which I usually reply something like, "are you actually gonna call me, or will I have to call you?" Today his response to this question was shocking. "Yes, I PROMISE I'll call you this week." Wow, that's a change. He actually used the word "promise" specifically. Maybe this time it'll be different...Here's the thing though...I've spent my whole life waiting for him to finally realize that he's my dad. All the time. It never changes. I need him. I've always needed him. To be a dad. Not just a random acquaintance whose DNA I possess who I talk to once in a while. You shouldn't have to catch up with your dad. Seriously! It's not like I live far away or have been on a trip for an extended period of time. I'm here. In the same city. 10 minutes away. What the heck?
I had a pretty huge breakdown one night a few months ago where I realized just how truly absent both of my dads have been in my life. It wasn't pretty. I think it was actually the very first time in my life that I actually cried myself to sleep. In the midst of the tears, I wrote "Daddy" a letter. I told him how much I hated the distance between us. I asked him a lot of hard questions like: "why do you always have time for somebody else's kids?" "why does someone else always come before us?" I told him how much it hurt me when he did things like not showing up for my high school graduation or forgetting my birthday for 3 years. I told him that I didn't want stuff. I didn't want money. All of my life I've just wanted a place in his. A real place, not just a visiting a few times a year place. It was a crazy letter. I put it in an envelope and addressed it. I even put a stamp on it. The next day when I woke up, I decided that it wouldn't be productive or beneficial for anyone if I sent it. I'd been angry and broken. So I threw it out. I was good for me to get all of that out. To think back over the past hurts, write them down and get over them. I've noticed since then, though, that it takes a lot more than writing something down to get over it.
Well, here's my solution to the problem. GOD. I know that's a huge over-simplification, but really. That's it. GOD. When I think about everything I know about who God is, I'm amazed that I could ever have failed to notice/remember that God is the perfect father. I don't wanna over-cheese this, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I can freak out, I can kick, I can scream, I can be selfish, proud, unwilling, disobedient, a total jerk, a hypocrite, naive, hateful, whatever really, and God still loves me. This isn't the kind of love that's just gonna stop someday because God's got better things to do with his time. This is the kind of love that will lay (and has laid) down it's life for me. This is the kind of love that totally gets me. That's ok with waiting until I finally figure it out. The kind of love that holds me and cries with me when I'm hurting so much I don't know what to do. The kind of love that understands my deepest desires probably better than I do myself and wants to see me live a full and purposeful life. This is the kind of love that's perfect. Unchanging. Unconditional. It doesn't matter what I do, my God is always going to love me.
The coolest part about all of that is that this is true of every human being. Even my dads. God loves them and understands them and holds them the same way he loves me. And God has called me to love the world around me the way that he loves me. I can't do it. I don't have the capacity to love with that kind of...I can't even think of a word that really captures all of that. But, I can give myself as a vessel to carry that love to the world. God can use me to show himself to the people around me. What a huge, amazing, perfect plan that is! That God CAN use someone like me-fallen, wretched, blind, disillusioned, broken, weak, selfish-WANTS to, even, to reach his world is a beautiful thing. How could I not want to be a part of that? And this is why I live my life the way that I do. Because I want to be used of God.

"I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt;
put me to doing, put me to suffering;
let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee;
let me be full, let me be empty;
let me have all things, let me have nothing;
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure
and disposal"

~Richard Alleine


  1. i can kind of relate, but in a different way... we should chat sometime.
    hugs to my wonderful niece... xoxo

  2. I must say I relate...I've never quite understood him myself but he was in a pretty big chunk of my life for a while...Was always hard to understand what was going on. Now that I do, I can relate with my own father despite incidences with your father that I wont bring up at this very moment for a while he was more of a father then my own...My dad and I went 6 months without exchanging as much as a glance....You just have to be strong and live life for what you've got. Ive realized that I cant sit around and wish my dad was different. He wont change but I cant let it take over my life...My mom too...You know my mom shes a nut...But Ive learned to deal with who she is ....Even by getting a restraining order =P

    There are a lot of shitty parents in this world...Its quite unfortunate. But all it does is better prepare you for when you yourself becomes a parent because you KNOW how much it pains you...And you don't want your child to feel the same. If I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing about my parents...It made me the parent I am today.

    So there's ALWAYS a positive side to even the worst of things. Hopefully he comes to his senses...Though it seems that may be a longer road then one would hope. Even so, just gotta live your life and enjoy what you do have and not let it take over who you are. Anyway I guess after that big babble guess I'm just saying I can really relate...Just wish I had God to help me through it like you do that's a good thing =D smile and hugs =)

  3. Hi Jen. hardly ever go on facebook but today I did and happened to see some words from you about some big thing that may be happening so that peaked my curiousity, then I saw the blog and checked it out and read this...anyway I wanted to encourage you. You are on the right track, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength", I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but He lives in me, (Galatians - I am bad at remembering the location of these verses) You are right none of us have that kind of love, grace and mercy to give to anyone but HE does because He lives in us now, our identity is in Jesus Christ. Instead of us living, it is Him in us. It is so nice to see that you know the source of Life and strength. I haven't gone through what you have, but other things that could lead to bitterness and resentment, but becuse of the revelation of Jesus I see now that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. I have been blessed knowing that every thing that has happened to me has purpose, even if it it may not make sense on this earth, it was never in vain. In fact Psalm 139 says it all for me, He knit me together in my mother's womb... I am fearfully and wonderfully made... nothing gets by Him.

    And the most awesome thing of all is that He offers that peace, love, strength, comfort, salvation, mercy and grace to all everyone who asks and believes!! What a marvellous God we serve. I love you Jen, keep remembering your identity is in in Jesus Christ, don't sway to the left or to the right. He is the perfect Father, wouldn't want any other.

    Anita B

    P.S. I am still curious what is happening in your life!!!
