Thursday, January 29, 2009

So, about that performance review I mentioned earlier...I walked out of that room with a new sense of purpose and vision for my job. My manager actually talked about how I'm a light in my workplace. She doesn't know God, but she notices something different about me. Even in my weakness and stubborness and seeming uselessness, God chooses to use me.

What she said was something like: "There are people who adapt to the kind of team they're a part of. If they're around negative people, they become negative. If they're around positive people, they become positive. They don't stand on their own. Then there's a small number of people who are who they are. They stand alone. If they're part of a negative group, they become the change toward the positive in that group. You, Jen are one of those people. Why? Because you are you. Because you can just be yourself. All the time. In any circumstance. We've seen you come through some pretty bad stuff here, and you're still you. You are like a shining light. You make the way for others."

How encouraging is that?! To hear that what you've been working towards in every area of your life has become evident to people who don't even know that! Wow!

I sense that God is doing some cool things through my job. My other manager and I were talking today about my plans for the future and she said she thought it was cool how I don't base my decisions on money, but just on where I'm needed the most. I love God. I love that even though I totally suck on my own, he fills me with himself and makes me something useful.

Hope. What a cool thing!


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